Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baldur's Gate website begins

Baldur's Gate website begins countdown to announcement ...


A couple of weeks back, we reported that the Baldur's Gate website had seen a revival, with its owner (and former BioWare designer) Trent Oster revealing that an announcement would be made soon. The good news for fans ...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition also in the works

Baldur's Gate 2: Enhanced Edition also in the works (plus bonus BG ...


Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition hasn't even been an official thing for 24 hours, and yet its sequel is already in the plan, according to the above tweet from Beamdog's creative director Trent Oster. Beyond the fact that it exists, ...

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Is a New Baldur's Gate On The Way? Maybe.

Is a New Baldur's Gate On The Way? Maybe.


Something is going on with the Baldur's Gate series that's not related to the Baldur's Gate 2 Complete Edition release on Steam. A third installment? Or a revamped port to tablets?

Talk about classic PC gaming! Baldur's Gate was nothing but pure RPG goodness Forgotten Realms-style when the series crashed the PC gaming scene back in 1998. It, along with Blizzard's original Diablo, kept many a player engaged long after their eyes began to get blurry and their legs grow numb. And now with the third Diablo installment threatening to consume every ounce of free time next quarter, it seems only fitting that BioWare's Baldur's Gate series makes a comeback too.

The Baldur's Gate series seemingly ended with the release of Throne of Bhaal in 2001, the expansion pack for Baldur's Gate 2: Shadows of Amn. But hints embedded within the source code of the Baldur's Gate website now suggest that the Lord of Murder might make a return via resurrection or by way of offspring. Honestly we've seen this type of teaser tactic before, so don't assume it's a case of wishful thinking. Here's one clue:

Baldur's Gate site teases Beamdog

Report: Baldur's Gate site teases Beamdog-developed franchise ...


What's going on at We're not 100 percent sure, honestly, but it sure looks like a teaser site for some form of new entry in the BioWare franchise. And Game Banshee seems to know more, claiming to have solidified news that the site was put together by former BioWare designer Trent Oster and his cohorts at Beamdog. "We're not related to the Steam Complete Edition," Oster said, referring to a recently discovered Baldur's Gate Complete Edition. "I can tell you that much. Other than that, we're hoping to announce something soon."

What that "something" is remains to be seen, but from the various Baldur's Gate accoutrement on the teaser site, it sure looks like a Baldur's Gate something is in the works over at Beamdog. Considering that Beamdog handled the HD port of BioWare's MDK 2, it stands to reason that an HD port of Baldur's Gate could be in the works. Regardless, we've yet to find out for sure.